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Professional Image Consultant

Why connect with an Image Consultant? Image is everything, much like attitude. Attitude shines through your image.  

A very important decision is made about you in seconds of encountering someone. There is the 7/11 rule that says the brain makes 11 decisions about you in 7 seconds. We say “don’t judge a book by its cover”, but unfortunately we do! Our physical appearance is the filter to our brain. Body language and attitude shine through that first impression.


Do you (or your business) present the way you want to? Do you get noticed for the message you want to give? It may be time to call a Professional Image Consultant.

“I want to help people perfect their personal brand.” -Kathy Sazama

Welcome to
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Image Consulting Services


Do you want to stand out in your industry? Perhaps you have been over looked when promotions come along. Unfortunately, the lack of confidence is hindering you. It’s time to make a difference in you!

I have worked with men and women from various experiences, backgrounds and professions. From professionals entering the work force to Politicians perfecting their image. It’s all about communicating the message you want to be known for. I desire to help you achieve your personal best.

Below are the services I offer and what you can expect from each.

Consultation Packages


Your Big Promise
Personal Brand 

  ​* Your personal session begins with an extensive color            analysis and swatch book to know what colors are best         on you. 

   * Define your Brand.  Learn your style and refine your              best characteristics. 

   * Eye Frame recommendation.                                                                                            Price $965.00


Excellence Package

   * Personal session begins with a Full Color draping.

      Color Swatch book specifically for you.

   * Identify your Personal Branding needs.

   * Complete clothing style and signature.

   * Personal Critique and enhancing characteristics

   * Eye Frame Recommendation

   * Complete Fit and Function specific for you

   * Brand Recommendations and follow up.

Price $2499.00

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