Confidence is necessary in all we do. For women, the Boardroom can be especially intimidating. Mostly because we have been groomed to take a more submissive way of behaving. According to Judith Humphrey in her book Taking the Stage, she quotes The New York Times with “Men still control the most important industries, especially technology, occupying most of the positions on the lists of the richest Americans, and continue to make more money than women who have similar skills and education”. Women are making great strides as they learn to take risks and self-promote.
Confidence is inside out work. Although, getting it right on the outside is key. Research tells us that first impressions are made in seconds. People judge us in the blink of an eye. Being intentional and purposeful with your appearance is important. Ladies you want to be known for your intelligence not what you wear. Boardroom dress is more conservative and quality attire is preferred. Here are some tips to build your confidence:
1. Prepare. Always do your best to be prepared. Know the subject you’re discussing. What and how you say things matters. Your appearance gives a message about you. Finally, behavior such as your body language will communicate confidence when you are prepared.
2. Manage the inner voice. Don’t accept failure thoughts. Think positive thoughts. Believe in yourself. Have quotes and inspirations that help you to be calm and think positively about yourself.
3. Take personal responsibility. Care for yourself, have boundaries, and respect yourself.
4. Mentorship. Have a mentor who will give you feedback and encouragement. My mentor tells me to “check the fruit on the tree”. Who you listen to and receive advice from needs to have a good track record. Having a good support system is necessary.
5. Grateful list. Identify the things and the people you are grateful for. Think on these things.
Here is what’s in style for the 2018-2019 fall/winter season:
*Oversized vest and shoulders. *Red, animal print, and shiny fabrics. *The varsity jacket look will be popular. *Corduroys, plaids, yellow jackets, and floral prints. *Ruching on styles will be in. *This season we will see acid washed and western prairie inspired looks. *Back packs for men and warm, neutral tones.
This information from In Style and The Trend Spotter.
I am often asked….
Should I wear panty hose or not? Does it matter? It is interesting that one is asking about this. Although it is becoming an uncertainty because we have always worn panty hose. Now we see women not wearing them as much. Answer: It is not a hard fast rule, ultimately you decide the look you want. I tell people that wearing panty hose raises the level of your dress. It gives a finished and put together look. Always pay attention to detail. Those finishing touches make a difference. My vote is panty hose!